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building confidence, connection, and community 


Creating community is close to my heart, and over the last few years we all have a true, very real sense of the value of human connection.  I have had the pleasure of working with a wide range of groups in-person and over Zoom. Groups from 4 up to 30 persons plus instructors.

If you have a gathering or group that you believe would benefit from an arts program I have a great deal of experience working in collaboration with amazing colleagues to create and deliver arts programs specific to your needs that provide connection, encourage self esteem, confidence, and build a beautiful sense of bonding and community over time.

Each group is different and there are elements and sensitivities to consider. 

Please feel free to email and set up a conversation around your particular groups details

to learn more email

If required - art materials bags can be created and customized to your groups.

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Case Study: Working in conjunction with the Canadian Tapestry and Texture Centre, Ixchel Surarz, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, and Sheridan College - this a 10 week 2x/week art program to build confidence, create intergenerational activity and relieve social isolation. Providing a Fall and Spring version to differently abled young adults and seniors of Halton.

An absolute honour and beautiful experience!

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