support connection creativity

an online program to keep us in connection, inspired creation and appreciation for one another.
wise wednesdays
NOVEMBER 3, 10, 17, 24
Wednesday Mornings, 10 am – 11:30 am
Cost: $80.00 + hst for all 4-weeks
Come as you are. Be wise, and find ways to stay connected this winter.
This is a space where you can show up as you are - happy, sad, tired, energized. This group is meant to create and hold space for one another as the weather turns cooler. It is an easy going framework to allow for time to share and be together. There will be a short mindfulness practice, a visual art exercise will be offered, and time to sip your coffee/tea, share and connect, and check in with other humans!
We know we are more stable when we are connected to other humans. Connection is one of a human beings core needs, so take care of yourself this winter, and make or stay in connection.
These few sessions are intended to be in the nature of support, non-judgement for all of us.
If you have an existing creative practice such as knitting or writing - feel free to bring it, work on it, share what you are working on with others
a great way for seniors to stay connected this winter.
Absolutely no art experience is necessary.
Any and all art supplies that you have available!
sketchbook or notebook or sheets of paper
pencil + eraser
watercolour paints or acrylic paints (min red, blue, yellow, black & white)
comfortable clothing
an open and adventurous mind
Above all else session environments will be a safe, non-judgemental space to explore, and express.
If you have questions feel free to email